You are always able to access your signed Policy Waivers/Agreements in your Dance House portal by clicking "waivers" in the menu.
In-Studio Information
To maintain a safe and healthy environment for both our students and staff, parents are required to only send their child to the studio if they are in good health. Dancers who have stayed home sick or are showing symptoms of illness (fever, congestion, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, etc.) should not attend classes. If a staff member feels a student is not well enough to participate, the admin staff will call a parent/guardian to pick up the dancer.
For everyone’s safety, it is important for students to arrive and be picked up on time. Students must be dropped off and picked up at our outdoor registration point, located at the front entrance.
Until further notice and due to safety precautions, only TDHNV Staff and registered students are allowed in the lobby and or dance spaces. No observers, parents, guardians or non TDHNV Staff or non registered students are allowed in the studio at this time.
*If someone else is dropping off or picking up your child, please make sure they are aware of our policies and procedures. No exceptions will be made.
Backpack, Water Bottle: Students are required to bring a labeled backpack to keep their street shoes and reusable water bottle in. They will have a designated space to store their backpack inside their classroom for the session. Dancers have access to a water station at all times and are encouraged to refill their water bottles!
Students must wear street shoes into the studio and appropriate dance shoes for their program. Students should wear comfortable clothes that they can move in. Dresses and skirts are not allowed; students must be properly covered for their safety.
Nut-Free Policy
Our goal is to ensure that dancers with food allergies have a safe and welcoming learning environment. It has been brought to our attention that we have multiple students with severe nut allergies who face life-threatening reactions when these allergens are ingested or in some cases, inhaled.
The Dance House Napa Valley will from now on be designated as "NUT FREE." This means that no snacks containing any kind of peanuts or tree nuts will be allowed. We will post posters throughout the studio as reminders.
While considering all options to manage food allergy exposure at the studio, we realized that any compromise to this policy would present an increased safety risk. We feel it is our duty as a community to reduce that risk as much as possible and implementing this nut-free policy is the best way to do so. We thank you for helping us maintain a safe environment for all of our dancers.
Parent/Student Responsibility
Parents of students with life-threatening allergies must provide TDHNV with a written emergency medical treatment protocol for their student for addressing allergy-related events.
Parents are responsible to educate their child about managing his/her allergy.
The Dance House Napa Valley cannot guarantee that a student will never experience an allergy-related event while at the studio. TDHNV is committed to student safety, and therefore has created this policy to reduce the risk that children with allergies will have an allergy-related event.
Creative Learning Environment
TDHNV is committed to providing a creative learning environment. As such, TDHNV does not tolerate any of the following and any Student, or his/her Parent, family friend, or agent, engaging in any of the following, as determined in the sole discretion of TDHNV, will result in Student’s dismissal from the current program, without refund, and the account will be put On Hold: (i) physical aggression towards any other person; (ii) refusal to participate; (iii) inability to pay attention or focus; (iv) lack of preparation; (v) disruptive behavior; (vi) verbally abusive or threatening behavior (physical or emotional) towards any other person; (vii) inability to stay in rehearsal room or performance venue without Parent or agent; (viii) causes harm, or threatens to cause harm, to self, others or property of TDHNV or another; (ix) intentionally exposes a sick or contagious Student or self to others; (x) throws objects; (xi) takes or hides other’s belongings; (xii) violence; (xiii) vandalism; (xiv) sexual misconduct; or (xv) any other action or inaction that violates the policies and behavior as contemplated by and outlined in this agreement determined in the sole discretion of TDHNV. Furthermore, the possession, use and/or sale of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs at the studio, TDHNV events, performance venues will result in immediate dismissal without refund.
Anti-Bullying Policy/ Personal and Property Damage
TDHNV recognizes the harmful effects of bullying. As such, TDHNV does not tolerate bullying of any kind, by either a Student or a Student’s Parent, family members, friends, or agent, especially bullying directed towards another member of the TDHNV community, be it threatening, physically intimidating or saying or writing hateful or mean-spirited words anywhere, at any time, associated with a TDHNV event or performance, either in person or online, or by any other way of communication, be it writing or otherwise, made directly or indirectly to another Student. I agree that I am responsible, and agree to timely reimburse TDHNV, for any damage to any TDHNV property caused by Student, Parent, family member or agent. TDHNV property includes any property for which TDHNV is responsible, whether or not owned by TDHNV. TDHNV is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Items left in the lost and found will be donated at the end of each month without reminder or notice.
Payment Information
Fees are non-refundable for all programs. This includes tuition, performance, costume, private lesson and or any other fee associated with TDHNV. TDHNV offers no refunds, transfers or credits for missed classes, workshops or camp days due to illness, schedule conflicts or for any other reasons. By registering your child for classes, you agree to have your monthly tuition automatically withdrawn on the 25th of each month. This authorization will remain in effect until notified by the customer in writing, within the guidelines of the cancellation policy listed in this agreement, VIA EMAIL prior to the following charge session (25th of that month for the following month). TDHNV only accepts cancellations via email, not in person or by telephone/voicemail. TDHNV has the right to recover any returned fees charged prior to a cancellation, including chargebacks and bank reversals categorized as "services not provided and or rendered".
The Dance House has moved to an all inclusive performance track fee model. All classes will perform in two showcases each season, a Winter Showcase and Spring Showcase. The total fees for these events are divided into 10 equal payments and are added to the tuition payments each month. These fees include the Winter Showcase participation fee, Winter Showcase performance shirt, Winter Showcase video link, Spring Showcase participation fee, custom Spring Showcase costume fee and Spring Showcase video Link. $25/month will be added to each dancer's tuition for their first enrolled class. The system will add an additional $10/month for every additional class added which will be for the additional custom costume (i.e. if enrolled in 2 weekly classes, $35 will be added to the dancers tuition). No matter how many classes a dancer is enrolled in, there will only be one performance fee per showcase included in these fees. If a dancer joins after August 25th, the all inclusive performance track fees not yet processed for previous months/tuition payments will automatically be applied to the dancer's account.

30-Day Cancellation Policy
In order to manage operational efficiency for registrations and enrollment, our 30-day drop policy ensures that all families are treated fairly and held to the same standards, fostering a sense of accountability and respect for the studio's policies. In order to drop a recreational performance track class, a 30-day notice is required via email. Per our policies, tuition is charged on the 25th of each month, so you must submit your drop request via email by the 25th of the month prior to the month you wish to drop. For example, to drop or cancel a class in November, your drop request must be emailed by September 25th, 2024. If the drop request is received on September 26th or later, you will be responsible for November tuition, and the drop will take effect on December 1st, 2024. Failure to provide the required notice will result in being charged for the following month's tuition. As long as a student is enrolled in a class, regardless of attendance, they are holding a spot in their registered class and are responsible for tuition payments. Cancellations/drops are not accepted via telephone, voicemail or verbally. Withdrawals are accepted through March 25th. (Any drop requests after March 25th will not be honored and the account holder will be responsible for the remainder of the session tuition through June 2025). If a client requests a chargeback from their credit card company/bank because they have failed to send in a written cancellation notice via email in time or for any other reason, TDHNV has the right to apply and process the full amount back to the client's account as well as any fees incurred by the chargeback. TDHNV’s drop/cancellation policy will remain the same in the event that classes are moved to the virtual platform for any reason. Cancellations/drops are accepted ONLY by email to dancehousenapa@gmail.com. Cancellations are not accepted by phone/voicemail or in person, only email to verify the date of notice.
Private Lesson Policy
Private Lesson Cancellation Policy
Any private lesson canceled by the client for any reason less than 24 hours prior to the start of the lesson, will be charged in full to the account. This policy is in place out of respect for the instructor's time and ability to reschedule another dancer in that particular time slot. This policy applies to no-shows.
Dress Code
All students are required to abide by the dress code in order to participate in their registered class(es).
Gender Expression: Dress Code is not gender specific. All attire listed by gender are suggestions. Your child has the freedom to dress however they wish as long as it aligns with the class's dress code.
(See dress code: https://www.dancehousenapa.com/dress-code)
Class sizes are limited. A paid registration fee reserves your place in a class and is due upon registration. If a class is full you will be placed on a waiting list.
TDHNV reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach. TDHNV reserves the right to cancel, reschedule or combine classes. ​​​